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Just Another Perspective
Enhancing Lung Capacity
Studies have shown that, of all the air we breathe in, only 5% gets used. Enhancing lung capacity through deep breathing allows more...
Re-charging Body Batteries
Most of the 72,000 nerves in the human body end in the soles of our feet and palms of our hands. So during posture practice, by using our...
Five Main Principles of Yoga
The five main principles of yoga are - use of gravity (to minimize the use of props); deep breathing (to eliminate harmful toxins from...
We Cannot Stop a Thunderstorm
We cannot stop a thunderstorm; but we can carry an umbrella. Just imagine – if a blood relative has asthma, it is probably embedded in...
Yoga is About Enhancing Attitudes
Yoga is not about religious chants, walking in a trance, or sitting in lotus position and going "OM". Nor is it about flexing the body....
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